Bee Yourself

Over the years I have always clung to the phrase bee yourself.  I can't exactly tell you why - I have never been a person other than myself nor am I overly fond of bumblebees, but there is something in that phrase which has always infatuated my interest.  It might be something in the way bumblebees are.  They aren't anything but themselves.  They are bees through and trough from here to the moon.

This phrase always seems to come to mind when I am nervous or anxious.  What do I do next?  Will the like me?  Where do I go from here? In times like those, there is nothing left to do but to trust your instincts and bee yourself.


So when I was browsing through the Paper Source catalog a few weeks back I was delighted to see that they are running a Bee Kind collection which features anything and everything with a witty bee pun.  I am a sucker for puns.  In the collection, there was everything from a teapot and cards, to notebooks and a honeycomb wreath.  But the item which caught my attention was a beautiful little bee necklace with the words bee yourself written on the packaging.  Something about this little bumblebee just made me happy and I ended up purchasing it a few weeks later.  I just think of it as my friendly reminder that all I can ever do it to bee myself.

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