Lip Products To Wear At Work
Hello, my name's Kathy and I am very very pale.  Now I don't mind being as pale as I am (unless I'm looking for a shade of ...
It's a weird feeling on a day when you haven't had enough sleep.  For me, that is today when I'm writing this post.  I saw ...
I Didn't Sleep Well Last Night
2017 Taught Me To Wear Ruffles
The clock struck midnight last night and a new year started.  I was in my pajamas cuddled up under a million layers of blankets i...
Three years down and I still don’t know what I want to be online.  Heck, I don’t know what I want to be in life but that’s another top...
Starting Again
Bee Yourself
Over the years I have always clung to the phrase bee yourself .  I can't exactly tell you why - I have never been a person other tha...
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